The Cheapest
Business To Start

Make no mistake! The cheapest business to start is also the BEST, easiest and fastest business you could possibly start!

I'll bet you are doubting that statement. Am I right?

And that's OK.  However, what if all you have is an idea for a business? You have almost no money to invest. think it's  really complicated and time consuming to start any kind of real business.

And even if you could find the cheapest business to start, and it were easy and fast, how much income could such a thing actually produce?

Let's start by answering that last one first. The potential income is literally UNLIMITED. That's because this is about a REAL business just like any other you've ever seen.  The only real difference is tat you do it mostly ONLINE using the internet!  Think of a pizza shop in your neighborhood. You simply do the same thing ONLINE instead!  That's true for just about EVERY other business idea you can possibly dream up.

OK.  So what about the "cheap". How about 20-30 dollars a month? Can you manage that? That's exactly how I began!  IF you are unable to do even that, ask me for an almost too good to be true ( but isn't! ) way that I'll help you get started for 100% FREE.

Now, the "fastest" and "easiest".  OK. Here you go:

1. You need the basic System (the foundation for everything else you will do.)


To Get it!


If you already have a FREE Business Account with Paypal, go to step one in order. If you do NOT yet have your Paypal account you should do this step first. 

3. You MIGHT Need Some Help.  If so, that's what WE are here for!

**Many new business owners simply hire us to build the entire business FOR them.**

So if you are better at certain things  and just need us to do the technical stuff, just ask! It's a GREAT way to go and grow even faster.

Just contact us and let us know what you think you need and we'll steer. advise, or even partner with you for as long as you need us. Forever, even!

This couldn't be simpler 1-2-3 process should only take you about ONE HOUR.

So 30 bucks and an hour and you are quite literally IN Business!


You were thinking that. Right?

The answer is simple:  If you have something, great! You're a step ahead.

If you don't, NO problem, we'll find one, five or a hundred things to sell for you.  That's actually the easiest part!

That's really all there is to getting started! As Nike says...JUST DO IT. 

  • CHEAPEST Business To Start?... YES!
  • EASIEST Business To Start??...YES!
  • FASTEST Business To Start??... YES!

And because it is 100% real, it can also be as lucrative as any business.

So all of this combined makes it the BEST business to start too!

Hard to argue with the facts isn't it! Ha. ha.

So what are you waiting for?  Go get set up!

We'll be here to help you take the next couple of steps.

If you're still not sure or have additional questions, contact us or just call!

Brian P. Hower

President and Founder,

SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
"Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"


814-528-8676 or TOLL FREE 1-866-452-4243

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Brian P. Hower
President and Founder
SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
"Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"
814-836-8701 or Toll Free: 1-866-452-4243
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