The SMART Internet Marketing Decision For Your Small Business! Learn How Searchlight Business Advocates, in Erie, PA Can REVIVE Your Business.

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Your Most Important Small Business Decision

Is A

Smart Internet Marketing Decision

How can YOU make a really smart Internet marketing decision? Read this page and then take action

Let's Make Your Internet Marketing Decision A True NO BRAINER

The General Situation

A. Compared to all other options, the Internet is a major and rising medium that cannot be ignored. If you advertise anywhere, do the WEB first! But make sure you do it RIGHT. Then use your other ads to drive extra traffic to your web business site. A correctly built web business site is where you pre-sell, create ongoing communications and even make sales transactions! NO other medium can do all of this.

B. You either have no site or an under performing (low or no traffic) site. That is revenue left on the table!

C. You are budgeting marketing dollars elsewhere that should be allocated to the Internet. See A. just above.

Concerns You Probably Have (our responses follow each)

"How expensive is it to do the Internet correctly"?

If there is one investment in your business that is worth the money, THIS is the one. And with Searchlight Business Advocates, we will always keep your costs as low as possible so you get the value and ROI you deserve. You simply wont find a better overall value.

"I dont want to switch from my current designer".

(Really? This is your business were talking about. Are you really going to let a friend family member or ineffective web designer have that power over your ultimate success?)

"I dont have the time to devote to the Internet".

You dont need to invest much time/effort at all. Our methods take as much of the burden as possible off of your shoulders!

"How do I know who to trust and use for my Internet marketing?"

Just check out our credentials. Call us to talk any time at all. We believe in building strong business relationships based upon mutual respect and trust.

Common Beliefs You May Have That Are COSTING You Business (our comments follow each quote)

"I know how to drive traffic to my site. I know how to BUY my traffic".

How would you like to have more traffic, better targeted traffic and for FREE? Thats what we do for you!

"I'm already on the web... so I'm good".

Careful! This is a dangerous and very costly misconception. A typical "website" is not a successful online business. There is much more to it than that.

"My site is beautiful! I'm happy with it".

Another common error! "Pretty" alone CANNOT get traffic or make a sale! This is the view that I believe is most costly to small business owners. Website designers are basically graphic artists. They are not experts in Internet Business Development and Lead Generation. We are!

"My site already gets enough traffic".

Are you sure? Check HERE and see for sure where your site is. A number greater than 1 million or a NO DATA means your site is getting virtually ZERO human vistors. Zero traffic zero dollars and is NOT effective marketing or a business at all is it?

The Real NEED

You can't afford to harbor these erroneous beliefs any longer. Your competition that truly gets the Internet and its power WILL out-compete you if you dont take action. The truth is that your site, if you have one, is likely NOT generating real human traffic.

Even if you are not paying much for the site, whatever you are paying is wasted money. In addition, any other advertising efforts are also being wasted if your business site is not fully developed and telling your entire story. Pretty does not generate traffic or make sales! You need CONTENT in both quality and quantity. So you dont need a typical brochure-style or online store type general "website" at all. They'll just never do you much real good. You do need a comprehensive, traffic generating, online BUSINESS site that makes you money!

The Solution

Black and white, 1-2-3 simple!

The ultimate solution for your local, regional or even global marketing efforts as a small business is to choose SEARCHLIGHT Businesss Advocates to develop or RE-Create your online business website. You may even keep your current site if desired. But it will become your secondary site because the new, more powerful SEARCHLIGHT developed site will be the Traffic Generator for both!

Deciding Factors

Costs: We know you are in business to make money. For that very reason we strive to keep costs as low as possible. Even our most detailed programs are typically no more per month than a typical local only Yellow Pages ad! But with us you blow away the yellow pages and every other media option too. Youll have no restrictions, extra charges or limitations on geography, demographics, or content. None!

Trust: We realize that trust is earned. Were confident that once we discuss your plan of action, youll clearly see that you simply could not be in better hands.

Approach; We researched for 2 years before deciding on our chosen systems and approach to small business success. After 6 years now, we are even MORE certain we made the right choice! You will be just as certain once you understand this program. Thousands of small business owners around the world RAVE about this allinone systematic approach to small business success.

Competence: We have developed many small businesses and Searchlight Business Advocates founder, Brian P. Hower, is one of just 40 individuals world-wide, selected to instruct in these methods at the college level. Thats a huge advantage 98 of others just cant have. But YOU can! We can show you first hand successes and numerous Google 1 page results! Our program just plain WORKS.

Systems: We scrutinize every system that we use and recommend to be sure they are THE best in existence. That is our ongoing commitment to you. Only Best of breed excellence!

Guarantee: You are double guaranteed. The software company guarantees you. WE also guarantee you. You have no long term contracts and may cancel at any time if not satisfied.

Work or Time Investment Required by YOU: This is a nonissue. All well ever ask of you is that you stay in close communications with us. We do what you want done and we make sure we do it the RIGHT way. Your time and work involved is negligible unless you choose to be more hands on.

Readiness: Do you really have a good reason to hesitate? Especially now that you have the realworld answers you may not have had before? Youre ready right now arent you?

No Remaining Reason To Hesitate

So What have You Got To Lose? (Unless you choose to do nothing!) Why wait another day? Doing nothing is the worst move you can make. You should now see that every legitimate concern and misconception you have had is no longer an issue. Dont put off your success by delaying your Internet marketing program. Call Searchlight Business Advocates TODAY with any remaining questions and finally get your business into the fast lane!

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Brian P. Hower
President and Founder
SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
"Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"
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QUOTE: "Do not wait; the time will never be "just right'. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along." -- Napoleon Hill

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