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The Best Small Business Website Design For Your Business?

Virtually GUARANTEE Your Internet Business Success in ERIE, PA.

Who really offers Erie PA the BEST Small Business Website Design?

Heck, almost any website design firm can create beautiful pictures and write a decent description of your business, right? Well, that may be true. However, what about online advertising, marketing on the web, sales and E-commerce? Online Internet Marketing? Web Hosting? Search Engine Optimization? Web Development.....? Brochure style web site design vs. Web Business Site? Is there a difference?

Erie PA, are you ready for truly THE best website design for small business? One approach that really works so that you can not only compete with but soundly out-perform ALL of your local AND regional web competition? Is that how you would define "best website design"? I know I do.

Erie PA (and everywhere else too)...what really matters to YOU with regard to YOUR business website design and total business and internet business planning? What really works best in small business website design and what does NOT?

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Whew! And you may be asking: "What does all of this best website design stuff have to do with MY Erie, PA small business, my affordable Internet marketing needs and/or my best website design and business success strategies?" "How do I determine what's best, or even necessary, let alone who really is the best website design company, Internet business development firm or the very best website design system for small businesses in or around Erie?"

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Do you work or reside in the Erie, PA or Northwest Pennsylvania area and want or need a great and professional Internet business, e-commerce, really the best website design and most affordable Internet marketing for your small business? Are you currently an offline small business owner seeking the right information needed to enter into online business and e-commerce? Do you simply want to learn how YOU can start a web business for yourself in Erie but also on the Internet this way using the world's best website design and true traffic generation system?? Are you looking to dramatically improve your current website's pages so that they are each far better and more likely to generate business than they are now? Just what IS "good", "better" or best website design any way? How can this idea create more affordable Internet marketing?

How will you choose which Erie business website design expert or Internet web hosting software or company/consultant is really the best website design choice for you?

Do you just call anyone at all that can throw up a few neat custom graphics? Then give them a few paragraphs of text with some kind of keyword combinations and hope it will fly as a viable web business program? Is that the, most professional and effective very best website design for you?

Are YOU sure that you really understand the difference between having a “web page”, a web "site”, an online "ad" or (e-commerce) "store"? Is any or all of that equal to a business on the web? Do the Internet web site design providers in Erie that you are currently working with really understand how the Internet and doing business on the web actually....really... work? Despite their education level, do they have the TOTAL life and work experiences to thoroughly comprehend what the very best web site design elements might be? Also, do they know precisely how to IMPLEMENT them so that YOU are correctly positioned to generate high traffic numbers and attract warm, targeted potential clients or customers?

Also, what is your targeted geographic area? Are you actually IN Erie, PA? Maybe Jamestown, NY or Ashtabula,Youngstown or Akron/Canton OH, Meadville, PA or Warren, PA. Do you want to reach across Western PA, Western NY or Eastern OH only? Or would you welcome customers from all over the US? How about doing web business globally? Is that in your best website design, internet marketing and business development plans?

Many Erie and NW PA small businesses target mostly local business potential. You absolutely need the BEST business website design company in that case too for several very important LOCAL BUSINESS reasons. But perhaps you'd also like to stretch your market out to Pittsburgh, PA, Cleveland, OH or Buffalo, NY as well. One of the reasons I love Erie myself is that I have these terrific options available for both my offline business as well as my web business. Erie is very strategically located among Cleveland, Pittsburgh and Buffalo.

So have you, my fellow Erie, PA area small business professionals or entrepreneurs, given real contemplative and thorough THOUGHT as to what it will actually take to truly SUCCEED in doing business on the world wide web? Why do you need or want to start or make your web site the best? Do YOU know--for certain? Can you tell the difference between poor, mediocre website design and professional, BEST website design? What is it exactly that makes the TRUE difference to YOUR bottom line? What should you actually request from your web design consultant?

Isn’t that really why you are looking into business on the web in the first place? To succeed and make REAL, serious income with a great and perfectly designed Internet web business site that actually works and produces significant annual income for you? Aren’t you truly after a complete and integrated online system that actually becomes the CORE of the rest of your advertising, marketing, sales, customer relations and long-term business development? Only the best website design software in combination with a top-notch business, Internet and media consulting partner could possibly offer this to you. We believe that's why you should talk to US first.

Yes. There is a HUGE difference between succeeding in business on the web and merely, “having a pretty website” that NO humans ever see. That’s what actually happens, amazingly, in over NINETY (90) percent of all web efforts in the entire world. That statement is not my “opinion”. This is a well documented fact.

Many Erie business people even think: “I’ll just make my own web site”. “I can get software for free or cheap at Office Depot…. I can’t wait to get all that new business.” And then sadly, nothing happens. Next they assume, seemingly correctly (but not even close to the truth), that the Internet and the world wide web... just... don’t.... work.

Or maybe they assume that Erie, PA (or any other home town), our wonderful little gem of a city , is just not “white collar” enough. Again, very untrue and a self defeating business assumption.

Even more people incorrectly assume they need to spend a LOT of money to get the best website design company Ex. Microsoft or Yahoo, etc. or a local Erie area graphic design professional.(These are usually not a business, sales/marketing, copy writing or Internet web expert--so be cautious--pretty pictures DO NOT equal business success on the World Wide Web!)

Many entrepreneurs and small business owners also believe paying the expensive fees will guarantee them success. They have a "professional" web expert do the entire design and then sit back again and wait for the huge impact on sales.

Again, it never happens. Why? Because, even THEY, the so called "gurus" and "experts", are NOT typically web BUSINESS experts. The difference is that we have partnered with THE (widely recognized and globally renowned) web business expert in the entire world to help YOU succeed in doing real, lucrative business on the web.

Remember, Bill Gates or not, well over 90 per cent of ALL websites ever designed by any ONE are nothing but online advertisements or electronic “stores” in the middle of the "Mohave Desert". They are virtually NEVER seen, visited or able to conduct any kind of real web generated sales transaction activity. That is, just to be sure you internalize the fact...more than NINETY percent. You don't have to take my word for it. You can go to and enter any web address in the world. You will be shown the overall Internet ranking position that any website currently holds.

The ONLY way to make sure these sites are seen is to pay MORE money advertising and marketing the fact that you have made this big (but incredibly common) business mistake. That’s OK if that is as highly as you have set your online web design business goals. However, the bar can and IS being successfully set MUCH, much higher! You CAN achieve real business success in or near Erie, PA AND make great money on the web!

We, at SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates, do NOT “put up websites”. We guarantee YOUR web business success because our approach is fundamentally different. We have developed the best website design and online BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT program in the world for any individual or existing small business that has a real desire to succeed in e-commerce outright (even if you already HAVE a "web site") Our extremely unique and comprehensive approach is what means the difference between the Top 2% and ALL of the rest. GUARANTEED.

The first realization you MUST come to terms with is that we are talking about web BUSINESS (and Internet e-commerce) success as opposed to web advertising/marketing. This requires much more of a commitment. If you never understand the difference, it will be nearly impossible for you to realize any level of success in web design, e-commerce, Internet marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization and page ranking results) or anything else web related in your business future. You will cement your own position in the BOTTOM 95% of sites on the web. Do you want to settle for that? Or are you as serious about your online web (click and mortar)business as you are your entire offline (brick and mortar) business? If you are, you need our totally comprehensive and complete, ALL-IN-ONE program, which is the world's best website design and Internet business development and success system.

Also, realize that building a powerful web business and making money on the web requires your commitment (yet not much labor at all on your part!)just as does your offline effort. It is unfortunately extremely rare that a business owner makes that necessary commitment. No wonder more than 90% fail, right?You just can’t give someone the ball, register any old domain name, toss up a few pretty graphics and some low quality content or text with a hyperlink or two. If you do that and then just “let it sit there”, what do you really think will happen?

Not very much at all. You will never see your traffic climb, your incoming calls or e-mail leads increase orBe able to create any meaningful lifetime customer relationships. Your “website” will never grow into a thriving e-commerce business and in essence you’ll also just be “taking up web space.” Our business is founded on every important business, marketing, Internet, media, human nature, technology, communications and ethical principle we can find to make absolutely certain, that YOU enjoy the true online business success you deserve.

Don’t just hire a “webmaster”. You must become your own Master of the Web. That's exactly what the best website design company will do for and WITH you as your trusted business partner.

If you are in NW New York (Jamestown and Fredonia/Dunkirk), to NW PA (Warren, Corry, Erie and Meadville), over to NE Ohio (Ashtabula, Akron/Canton and Youngstown, OH) -- call us NOW.

If you are an entrepreneur(stay-at-home-mom or WAHM),downsized dad, student, retiree, professional (of any type) or small business owner in the Cleveland, Ohio, Buffalo, NY, Greenville, Cranberry, Sharon, Butler, Grove City, Pittsburgh, PA and/or any other western Pennsylvania city ot town north to, Erie, PA, Lake Erie or Tri-State area, we are available to meet with YOU in person.

However, we offer our web design expertise and full small business services and support to anyone worldwide via the wonderful technology of the Internet and the world wide web.

Of course, you COULD even do this completely on your own. You can easily find cheap or even FREE website design and web hosting provider offers all over the Internet. You could eventually, (maybe) cobble or piece together most of the many, many features and web design, sales and online marketing tools you need to create a great web business that works and generates "some kind" of revenue for you. OR you can simply come to us for the world’s ONLY comprehensive, affordable, easy to comprehend "set of instructions" for building a solid, thriving, and LUCRATIVE web business that really, really works for you.

If you are completely sincere about learning how to research, design, implement, develop and manage** your online business presence so that the ultimate result is something real, profitable and a source of PRIDE, call us. . You will be SO glad you did!

** ("management" of the business is NOT the same as web "maintenance"--the latter is technical/mechanical, the former is "hands on" attention to the details! It's the difference between the truly successful and....well..everyone else. )

Please take one minute right here to sign up for our FREE information packed newsletter. This way you'll always know what we're up to that will help YOUR business GROW! Hopefully, by now, you see that WE are truly the best website design company for your Erie, PA small business!
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Click here to see who's behind the best website design in Erie, PA!

Thanks for reading!

Brian P. Hower
President and Founder
SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
"Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"
814-392-0356 or TOLL FREE 1-866-452-4243
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