LIVE Online Business Help And Instruction From SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates!!
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Would You Like Some Real, Caring,
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SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates

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I am talking about the REAL THING.

LIVE online business help and instruction.

I am not talking about some book or some kind of software that will claim to offer you live/online business help and instruction. I am not one of the hyped up "Guru" types either.

I am offering, straight and true, a practical, extremely affordable program where you may call me personally to talk LIVE with you, on YOUR schedule , about YOUR small business building concerns and needs.

When I say LIVE online business help and instruction, I mean a real live help session. On anything related to your small business success about which I may have valuable, time and frustration saving knowledge or expertise.

We will help you:

  • Start or improve any kind of serious business; be it online, offline or BOTH -- much, much more involved than just a "website".

  • Gain a serious understanding of the Internet and the business potential it really holds for you.

  • Develop your own one-of-a-kind BRAND.

  • Dramatically increase your marketing and advertising effectiveness.

  • Reduce costs and at the same time increase SALES.

  • So much more and we'll have FUN doing it too.

But most importantly we will also...

  • STAY right with you for as long as you want us as a partner.

  • For a really exciting example of hope we'll help you GROW your business, CLICK here.

    No one person knows it all.

    But I have learned for sure that there is a LOT of hype and dishonesty everywhere. There are also a LOT of "consultants" out there that are completely honest and well-intentioned.

    Problem is, they are, many times, not really that helpful.

    I think we are different. I want to SAVE you the hard work.

    Do I or we know everything? Of course not.

    BUT--I believe we DO have the track record and experience to REALLY help you to get started, NOT waste time and/or money and learn about many GREAT ways to increase your chances at really succeeding in YOUR online business venture!

    First hand assistance learning and/or using many of the programs we recommend throughout this very web business.

    Now isn't all this refreshing and exciting!?

    Yes, there would be a fee per session. But it will be VERY modest--a fair shake all the way. That's because we know you'll need help or instruction for you online business more than once. Probably many times.

    In fact, we'll even show you how you can talk LIVE with us over the Internet and even be on the same computer together!

    YES! We can help you exactly as though you were sitting right in OUR OFFICE. And we'll show you how to do THAT part for FREE! That's right. NO long distance or other related charges to you.

    The last thing you need is to go broke trying to MAKE money, right?

    Yet, we also need to earn a living. So a small consulting fee would be charged per session based on a very reasonable hourly rate. You may simply remit your fees to our paypal account. Set up your own paypal account first - it's easy and no reason at all not to do it. If you have difficulty, just call me and I'll help you.

    We just thought that if we could earn a small amount of income helping YOU to succeed, that would be an extremely rewarding way to work and add to our business' legacy.

    If YOU are looking for someone completely trustworthy, that will give far more than will take, actually BE a huge value and trusted business partner for you, give us a call or use the "MAKE CONTACT" button/form on the main navigation bar on our home page.

    Let us know exactly what you need help with in your online business quest.

    If we feel that we can truly help you, we will offer you a FREE 1 hour online business help and instruction session just to get to know each other better.

    If you'd like to continue working with us, we'll continue.

    ***(click HERE to go to our sales page with all of our full services, etc.)***

    You'll never have anything to lose with us. But everything to gain!

    It's just the way we do business here. For a fantastic start, CLICK HERE to see many of the products and services that WE use ourselves that we know WILL help you get organized, get started and keep on growing quickly and profitably!

    After you check that information out come right back here (by clicking the link in #4 on that page) and go HERE for some more GREAT help getting your online business roaring.

    Finally, when you are all tired out, use the "Make Contact" button at the top of our home page . Tell me you were here and looked around.

    I'll then send you three wonderful and completely FREE gifts just for doing so! And they are each GREAT!

    Before you go, why not take a second to sign up for our informative ( and totally FREE ) newsletter? It's called SEARCHLIGHT Success eXPRESS! and it is a perfect way for you to continue to receive our updates! Enter your info. in an instant below and I'll send you the next edition!

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    I promise to use it only to send you SEARCHLIGHT Success eXPRESS!.

    To YOUR online business success! halftextboxwbkgrdinclude.shtml

    Searchlight "Best-Of-Breed" Recommendation!

    If you plan to integrate eBay into your business, this book is a great and affordable starting point.

    Starting an eBay Business
    for details.

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    Brian P. Hower
    President and Founder
    SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
    "Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"
    814-392-0356 or TOLL FREE 1-866-452-4243
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    At Searchlight Business Advocates, we firmly believe that we all need
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