Don't HIRE A Small Business WEBMASTER! Why Hire An Expensive Employee To Do What WE Will Do BETTER And For Less?

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Why Hire A Webmaster?


SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates

And Build A Powerful Internet-Based BUSINESS Instead!

Time to hire a small business webmaster?

Great! But please read this page before you make any final decisions.

According to the minimum salary for a general webmaster is about 45,000 a year. That does not include benefit costs.

More critically important for you, though, is that over 90% of ALL small business websites are NOT effective! How can that be if everyone has an expert "webmaster" or web design company?

Does that mean that over 90% of webmasters cannot really do you much good? Unfortunately the sad answer is YES.

So IF you still want to hire a webmaster or some other small business web design professional to build your Internet presence, please continue to read on.

OK. So the real question is:

WHY do you believe that you should hire a webmaster?

Can you give a concrete business related answer? I suspect most small business owners and managers cannot. So then, are there any great business reasons for building a website? This answer will really surprise you! The real-world answer is "no".

That is, unless you are flush with unlimited cash flow so that you can BUY the necessary online visitor traffic and send them yourself DIRECTLY TO your "website".

If THAT is your situation, go ahead; hire a great webmaster or designer and place a few pages of beautiful graphics and some good company information up for those expensive visitors to see. I sincerley hope that you can gain enough business from that approach to at least recoup your expenses.

Now, hopefully I have gotten you stop and think. I do not intend to sound skeptical or sarcastic. But these are the facts. The scenario is all too true. I see it every single day. So many small business owners just toss up a "website". Just a few snippets of info. and some pretty pictures.

But they have absolutely NO comprehensive plan or understanding of how to generate the traffic that is so critically necessary for attracting business. This I find extremely wasteful and sad.

Therefore above all else, please get THIS point right:

An online "AD" also known as an "brochure-style" site and/or an online "store" (especially if that is all you have!) is HIGHLY unlikely to gain you any traffic!

No Traffic = ZERO Business Generation.


The bottom line? You likely DON'T need a "website". At least not the way you probably think of them.

You DO need more consistent and continuously growing profitable business though - correct?

THE KEY to success is:

You Must Have CONTENT In The Form Of Written Information About Your Company That Is High In Both Quality AND Quantity!

So how do you achieve that withought having to hire a webmaster? Am I saying you should try to build a website or somehow manage an entire online marketing program yourself?

No. You achieve it by partnering with us. We partner with our clients entirely. We lift the burden of your online marketing almost completely.
The reasons are that you are probably busy enough already. I have learned beyond a doubt that even if you HAD the time and energy, you would not want to or be able to do it.

You see, there is SO much to this that the average person just doesn't have the time or fortitude or wherewithal to make it all work. And WORK IT MUST if you are to see a significant ROI.

It takes a crazed creative and driven oddball like me (and those I hand select) to do this. That type of individual is a very RARE bird!

So please take a breath and reflect upon what I have said here. Does it all ring true? I think you'll have to admit that it really does. So...if you sincerely believe, as I do, that the Internet really does hold big possibilities for YOUR business, you'll NEED a few things.

Here they are:
  1. An Internet-Based Web BUSINESS. This becomes your entire business sales and communications HUB and Base-Of-Operations! (As opposed to a typical "website" that just "sits there" praying for a random visitor!)

  2. A truly competent "expert" who fully that understands small business, the Internet, sales and marketing and how they are inter-related!

  3. A caring, professional business partner that you can TRUST 100% to help you build this system with you or for you.

  4. A world class set of tools that will GET IT DONE -- and done for sure correctly.

  5. All of this at a huge cost and time savings over having to hire a webmaster or web site designer.

The reality is that there is just ONE real, logical and systematic way to approach small business and Internet success. WE are proven experts at this. Our founder Brian P. Hower is one of just 40 individuals globally approved to teach these methods at the university level.

Check out this page to view some current projects we have under way.

What would you do, now that you know what's what, if you could get 10x the quality, 10x the content quantity and a hundred times the targeted exposure locally, regionally even globally?

What would you do if you could get all of this and much, much more for 1/10th the expense that you would incur if you were to hire a webmaster?

All true! That's at least a 100 fold increase in your ROI. 100 times. What might that do for YOUR small business?

Well that's it. Don't follow the crowd. Do this the right way. We make what is actually very complicated into a total solution for you that is so SIMPLE!

Call us NOW for a FREE discussion on your current situation! We never pressure anyone in any way. So just call - even to ask a stupid question. We'll do our best not to give you a stupid answer!

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Thanks for reading!

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Brian P. Hower
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SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
"Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"
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