It's Easy To Start A Business! Here Are THE Best, Easiest "How To" Steps For YOU To Set Up Your Very Own Business
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SO Easy To Start A Business
With SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates!

Literally 1-2-3.

Is it really easy to start a business? Yes. It really, truly is. In fact, most of our clients were very pleasanyly surprised to learn just how easy to start a business with us. You can start with nothing but desire and literally be all set up with a REAL, potentially very lucrative, one-of-a-kind business of your very less than a DAY. And, on top of that , you won't need a huge chunk of money to do it!

When you think about it, everyone seems to make it much more difficult than it needs to be, especially considering today's technology.

. All you really need is:
  • An idea
  • A truly affordable platform from which to start, develop and run the business
  • Ability/desire to learn
  • Great resources for reference
  • Basic business skills
  • A computer with broadband (DSL) internet service and
  • A true partner that is competent and trustworthy
Between the two of us, you'll have it ALL.

The rest (and I mean everything), including what products or services to offer, will completely take care of themselves after you have begun. So just get going!

Here are the easy options and steps for INDIVIDUALS and Entrepreneurs:


1. Order the Software System (Click. Then read and scroll down that page to order!)

You do it all from scratch. You can do it! I did.

or, if you see the value but just do not have the time to devote to the effort, let SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates do it FOR you...


We'll build your entire online business with your ideas and input. 100% Yours but without the work! All at rates everyone can afford.

1. Order the Software System (Click. Then read and scroll down that page to order!)

2. Obtain and sign a simple NO risk month-to-month Service Agreement with SEARCHLIGHT! (Just call Mr. Hower at 1-866-452-4243)


Take the Online Course!: Online but LIVE with me! Yes, it's true.

You also have a third option! Take our online course and learn everything about starting and building your new online business!!

Here's how easy it is for any existing SMALL BUSINESS OWNER to get started correctly on the web!:

You already have a business. Now you should “clone” and expand it with new streams of income and WAY more potential customers/clients gathered naturally from the web! Without question, it's the best thing you could ever do for your business.


1. Order the Software System (Click. Then read and scroll down that page to order!)

You do it yourself from scratch. You can do it!! I did.

or, if you see the value but just do not have the time to devote to the effort, let SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates do it FOR you...


We'll build your entire online business with your ideas and input. 100% yours but without the work! And for less per month than one, local only yellow pages ad! Click HERE for a real-world "apples-to-apples" comparison.

1. Order the Software System (Click. Then read and scroll down that page to order!)

2. Obtain and sign a simple NO risk month-to-month Service Agreement with SEARCHLIGHT! (Just call Mr. Hower at 1-866-452-4243 to get this set up)


Take the Online Course!: Online but LIVE with me! Yes, it's true.

You also have a third option! Take our online course and learn everything about starting and building your new online business!!

That's all there is to it. And YOU are underway!

As always, just call us with any question, any time at all. Sincerely,

Brian P. Hower
President and Founder
SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
"Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"
814-835-9255 or TOLL FREE 1-866-452-4243
e-mail Click HERE To Go Back To Our Home Page

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You Can Not Only SURVIVE, You Can THRIVE During our Economic Crisis!

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What are the true KEYS to success in small business?

At Searchlight Business Advocates, we firmly believe that we all need
business systems recommendations, great communications and strong, honest partnerships.

These beliefs form the core of our business foundation.

If we ever fail to meet those standards in your view, please tell us about it!

Economic Woes?
When YOU start a business and ultimately succeed, you not only affect the economy; you BECOME the economy. Learn the right way to get started on this web business site.

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