Erie, PA Advertising! THE Most Effective Targeted And AFFORDABLE Advertising In Or Anywhere Near Erie, PA!

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Erie, PA Advertising?


Place Your Ads HERE!

Please read this page in its ENTIRETY
to gain a full understanding
of the advertising process.

Thank you.

QUESTIONS? CALL: (814) 836-8701

In case you aren't aware of the relationship, is a sister company of Erie's SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates (this website).

To be sure you get the very best Erie, PA Advertising you've ever implemented...

Please READ ALL of the information on this page and send us any special requests/details BEFORE submitting your ads.
This will help ensure that everything goes smoothly and we get all of your details CORRECT!


WHY is it a great business decision to advertise on

Here's why...

Traditional print and broadcast media are losing effectiveness due to the INTERNET. That's a true and permanent fact. is the ONLY Local Erie ONLINE Community Directory that is:

  1. NIGHTTIME Activities and Entertainment Focused! Not cluttered with everything under the sun!

  2. Extremely TARGETED. - Site Users are M and F ages 21 to 65 that have the money to be ACTIVE in Erie's fabulous NIGHTLIFE and culture. SO THEY ARE YOUR BEST PROSPECTS TOO.

  3. Highly INTERACTIVE - Link to your own website or Facebook page, Send text messages in REAL-TIME, etc. More!

  4. ALL ABOUT FUN! - Our heavy promotions throughout the GREATER Erie Area and the FUN nature of ENO are creating rapid growth and popularity for us (and for you)!

  5. Extremely AFFORDABLE - You simply CAN'T find a better advertising value anywhere.

    For these common sense business reasons and many more, this is your ultimate Erie advertising resource.

Please NOTE that the rates below reflect the 2014 NEW YEAR KICKOFF! SPECIAL rates! They are already 50% off the current regular rates AND when you place mutiple ads on 2 or more main category pages, it gets even BETTER! We're accepting only the first (10) TEN advertisers. These rates will LOCK IN for all of 2014 for you unless you cancel so DON'T hesitate!

DEADLINE is Tomorrow Friday JAN. 31st at 4pm. Ads requested/placed after 5pm on Friday will NOT be eligible for this very special one-time offer.

Our SIX (6) MAIN Category Pages Are:


Click HERE to view a screenshot illustrating your AD options.

and/or HERE to view the site again LIVE.

SAMPLE 3x2 AD ( shown actual size - 250x200px ) The Ad will LINK directly to your Facebook or Website too!

(Go ahead, click the Oasis image and see how it works.)


  1. Send us your SPECIFIC pages wanted and ad details using the CONTACT FORM HERE.(Please be specific w/ details!)
  2. Select the number of ads from the DROPDOWN box just below.
  3. Enter your desired Phone and Link info.
  4. Click The SUBSCRIBE Button and Enter Your Info. on the next appearing page. -- That's it!
ORDER BELOW Via PAYPAL ( Use either your Paypal Account Balance OR a CREDIT CARD.

NOTE: You do not need a Paypal Account to order by Credit Card. Just FIND the LINK on the Paypal page for CREDIT CARD and then enter your info. The process is 100% guaranteed secure.

(A detailed Invoice for your purchase will be sent to you via EMAIL immediately upon receipt of your transaction)

Should you prefer to arrange other means of payment
(Ex. Paper check), simply make that request to us using the contact info. below.

(Please see our no risk terms at bottom of this page)

NOTE: With this New Year 2014 Special you may Elect from FOUR different options below. They are:
  1. Fully interactive Business Profile page ONLY ( See example HERE.)
  2. Right Side 3x2 Display HOME Page AD ONLY (similar to ad shown above)
  3. Full Profile Plus 3x2 AD on HOME Page.
  4. Full Profile Plus 3x2 Display Ad on All SIX Main Category Pages listed Above. ( By Far the BEST option!)

Profile +Sponsor Display Ad Options

***Only IF necessary, please use THIS FORM to tell us WHICH specific PAGE(s) on which you want your ad(s) published.

If you have custom ad specs or want any special information added to your ads please be sure to include that too!

Please be SPECIFIC and THOROUGH in your descriptions.



Since any type of advertising is more of an "art" than an exact science we ask that you generally commit to a minimum 6 month campaign with us.
However - by subscribing to advertising you are under NO contract obligation whatsoever.
This is actually a month-to-month service for your convenience.
Opting out could not be simpler.
You may stop or cancel your ad(s) at any time
and be billed only for the current billing cycle.
To initiate a cancellation simply notify us using the contact info. below and we will immediately send you an UNsubscribe link so that you may easily stop your campaign.

Thanks for reading!

searchlight business advocates logo
Brian P. Hower
President and Founder
SEARCHLIGHT Business Advocates
"Business, the INTERNET, and YOU!"
814-836-8701 or TOLL FREE 1-866-452-4243
Click Here To          E-mail Us     OR

Click HERE To Go Back To Our Home Page
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Click here to speak to us right now!

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